Sevres Style Carousel Mosques with Ballerinas in Wine, Green or Blue
Sevres Style Carousel Mosques with Ballerinas in Wine, Green or Blue
Sevres Medallion Style Reuge Carousel Mosque

Carousel Mosque with Ballerina in Blue or Wine, Sevres style


The Sevres Style Carousel with Ballerina in pink, is currently available in Blue and Plays "kaiserwalzer".) Please select your preference when you add to cart

The green and Wine have been sold. We hope to see more. They came in Green, Blue or Wine colored. We keep a wish list for those who care to wait for these particular boxes as they come in. If you are interested please order the color you wish or call and leave your name. You are never charged until we ship.

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The Reuge Carousel Mosques that may come in, can play "Music Box Dancer,' "The Blue Danube," "Fascination," "Lara's Theme," "Emperor's Waltz" or "Edelweiss."
These musical carousels are made in Italy in a small town near Florence. Each piece is handmade in porcelain and finished with silver or gold-plating over brass. They have a ballerina that dances inside to the music that is activated when the doors are manually opened by twisting the top knob. The medallion scene designs on solid background are reminiscent of the French Sevres Style.
Dimensions: 5 x 11 1/2.
These are no longer being manufactured and they go out almost as quickly as the come in.