Photo Frame Raised Style Glass with G Clef Charm for 4x6 Photo

Photo Frame Raised Style Glass with G Clef Charm for 4x6 Photo


These are some of the prettiest frames we've ever had! This image doesn't do justice to them. Available for Vertical or Horizontal photos, a subtle little treble clef charm dangles from the frame (sorry, there is a heart charm on this frame but we promise you the G Clef is sweet!). This larger vertical frame holds a 4" x 6" photo and measures 7" wide x 9 3/4" high. The horizontal measurements are 8 7/8" wide x 7 3/4" high.

Please select your preference of Vertical or Horizontal when you add to cart.

If you wish us to apply a mini musical movement that plays "Tomorrow" "Lara's Theme" or "Brahms Lullaby" to the back of this piece (at an additional fee of 10.95) Let us know in the text box provided and select your tune from the drop down menu when you add to cart.


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