
Musical Gifts for Halloween

Halloween Music Boxes and Musical Gifts




When this growing page is completed, We hope you will have enjoyed browsing through these Halloween Musical gift suggestions.

We have many more  music-related gifts to offer such as musical apparel.
You may browse by Gift Categories on your left. Everything there has a visual musical theme but probably does not play music.

Music Box Categories (that play) are on your right. You may select your favorite tune on all boxes that say 1.18, 1.30 or 1.36. The cost of the tune (unless you need something special) is usually factored into the price of the music box unless noted. There are no extra installation charges. You will see the appropriate size Tune Selector when you add to cart.

The numbers denote the size of the mechanism. 1.18 means 1 tune 18 notes and  1.30 stands for 1 tune 30 notes. The amount of notes given means that there are 18, 30 or 36 notes available to play during the course of the tune (many notes are played several times for the duration of the tune (a single revolution of the cylinder or disc).

If left to wind down an 18 note mechanism will play 2 to 3 minutes. Of course we also carry 1.50, 2.50, 3.50, 3.72 and 3.144 note mechanisms. These play longer with much more musical embellishment. See Music Box Specifics on right for more categories.

There are several tunes appropriate for Halloween. See the Gold Mechanism by Sankyo on this page


We hope you're able to find the perfect musical Halloween gift to make it a special day. 

As always, we love to help. Feel free to call us if you have any questions