Music Maker Childs Zither or Lyrical Lap Harp

Music Maker Lap Harp Zither with added Jewish Music


Zither (15 string Music Maker Lap Harp)with normally included initial starter pack and added Jewish music
Tabletop or laptop use. High quality wooden soundboard, Steel pins, Pick, Tuning key, Extra strings, Wide selection of music cards available.
For children and those young at heart! Easy to play & lots of fun. Its very simple! Just choose one of the  songs that are included, insert the music sheet under the strings, and follow along note by note.

Please be sure to scroll down for further information!

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Songs included in starter pack are:
Rock a Bye Baby
Yankee Doodle
Eensie Weensie Spider
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
Minuet- Johan Sebastian Bach
Brahm's Lullaby
Clementine Daisy
My Country T'is of Thee
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

This package contains the above 12 initial starter pack songs  and 12 additional Jewish Songs.

Jewish Songs list:

L’Shana Tova, I Have A Little Dreidl
Maoz Tzur Lakova Sheli
A Wicked Man Dayenu
Shabat Shalom Shalom Haverim
Hevenu Shalom Alechem David Melech Yisrael
Tumbalalaika Zum Gali

Other music cards can be ordered in the packets listed under Zither (Music Maker Harp)Music. Click here to view these packets.

Especially available "manuscript blanks" for you to mark your own music  or put down music that has not been applied to a card.