Music Cooks  Home With Baby #5

Music Cooks Home With Baby #5


Nourishing Meals and Calming Lullabies for the Ones You Love

Sharon O’Connor brings you energy-giving meals and gentle lullabies. Her beautifully Boxed set includes: time-saving tips, ideas for easy healthy eating, recipes for homemade baby food, lullaby lyrics, and soft acoustic guitar music for special moments with your baby. O'connor includes simple, make-ahead recipes that use widely available ingredients, a food photograph of each healthy dish, a shopping and pantry lists.

Recipe cards include - Easy Baked French Toast, Butternut Squash Soup, Lasagna, Beef Stew, Chicken with Dumplings, Apple Crisp, Teething Biscuits, and more.

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The whole family will enjoy traditional lullabies performed by guitarist Jim Nichols
Hush Little Baby
All Through the Night
When at Night I Go to Sleep
All the Pretty Little Horses
Brahms’ Lullaby
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Froggy Went a Courtin’
Sleep Baby Sleep